Join my private FB group here, Empowered Parents, so you have an opportunity to be included in the conversation! I specialize in coaching neurodiverse families with assent-based, neurodivergent-affirming support. We focus on making sure your child's needs are met while building/strengthening the parent-child bond and caregiver well-being. I use my background as a BCBA and special education teacher to collaborate with you and empower you! I run the group and interact with members to answer questions and offer support!
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Be well,
#donoharm #harmreduction #parenting #parentcoaching #parentingcoach #specialneedsfamily #autismfamily #specialneeds #selfcareishealthcare #mentalhealthmatters #selfcarematters #wellbeing #caregiversupport #itsoktonotbeok #gethelpnow #behaviors #helpme #parentingtips #managingbehavior #compassionatecare #newaba #todaysaba #ADHD #autism #neurodivergentaffirming #dobetter #makeshifthappen #aba #respect #dignity #specialneedsparenting #developmentaldelays #disabilities #caregiverburnout #teachingwithjoy #assent